Manhole frame regulation in the case of new build and renovation

The basis of the success of ERGELIT-superfix grout in civil engineering projects is its rapid hardening which permits traffic loading within a very short time.

Choose between:

  • ERGELIT-superfix 10
  • ERGELIT-superfix 35 – the grout with granular strengthener, and
  • ERGELIT-superfix 35 F –the superfix reinforced with fibres.

For bricklaying in manholes and sewers, as well as for bedding-in adjusting-rings, ERGELIT-SBM has proved itself over many years now. The grain size of up to 4.0 mm gives good results and high load-bearing capacity, especially when a repair needs to be quick but long-lasting. The impermeability of ERGELIT-SBM means that it is applicable in an enormous number of situations.